about Drop Shot

Frequently Asked Questions

Who created Drop Shot?

Drop Shot was built by passionate tennis fans, just like you. Tennis has had a lasting impact on our lives and we wanted a way to keep track of the matches and memories we've shared, throughout the years.

Why are some matches missing?

In order to get Drop Shot started, our team needed to manually input every tennis match and their details. As we look to automate this process, it'll take us some time until we can show all of the matches that we want to. We're always looking for help, so if you're interested in being a part of the team, feel free to reach out through the Contact form below.

Is there an App for Drop Shot?

Not yet, but we're working on it. However, you can create a quick shortcut on your phone:
1. Tap the ⬆️ icon at the bottom of the browser.
2. Scroll down and tap the "Add to Home Screen" button

Now you can access Drop Shot anytime, directly from your Home screen.

Contact Us

Questions or feedback about Drop Shot? Get in touch and let us know how we can help.

Tennis Serve
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